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Big News: New Version of My Songwriting Book on the Way

There is Big news regarding my book “Jesus’ Chairs.” Hal Leonard Publishing is releasing the book nationally. (Yay!!!) In fact, you can already find it on Amazon – but with a new title: “The Craft of Christian Songwriting.” This is great news for me – having a major book publisher as a partner. (Thank you Hal Leonard!) For those many of you who purchased the original version – thanks so much. You will soon own a “collector’s item.” 🙂

My site will soon have a link to the new book at Hal Leonard and at Amazon.

In the meantime – FYI – the new version is, for the most part, the same content as the original book – with some minor changes. The most significant changes are in the analysis chapter – where I’ve included a slightly different group of songs for analysis.

I’ll soon have new streaming audio up to correspond with the changes in the book.

More to come.

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