There is Big news regarding my book “Jesus’ Chairs.” Hal Leonard Publishing is releasing the book nationally. (Yay!!!) In fact, you can already find it on Amazon – but with a new title: “The Craft of Christian Songwriting.” This is great news for me – having a major book publisher as a partner. (Thank you Hal Leonard!) For those many of you who purchased the original version – thanks so much. You will soon own a “collector’s item.” 🙂
My site will soon have a link to the new book at Hal Leonard and at Amazon.
In the meantime – FYI – the new version is, for the most part, the same content as the original book – with some minor changes. The most significant changes are in the analysis chapter – where I’ve included a slightly different group of songs for analysis.
I’ll soon have new streaming audio up to correspond with the changes in the book.
More to come.