A year ago, I launched a new line of orchestra arrangements – for the “Modern Orchestra,” separating these new charts from the more symphonic arrangements that had preceded them. It seemed time that I should add to that little line of music, and so here are two new hymn arrangements in the Music for the Modern Orchestra line. I hope those of you who work with orchestras will check them out.

PRAISE TO THE LORD THE ALMIGHTY – This venerable hymn tune is recognized worldwide, and churchgoers know its words without even hearing them, making it well-suited for an instrumental treatment. I’ve set it in 6/8 time, with a “big two” back beat. After a brief, but exciting intro that moves through multiple keys, it settles into the familiar tune. The arrangement hearkens back to the contemporary inspirational sounds of the 1990s, and gives every section of the orchestra its moment to shine. With its infectious energy, this will make a wonderful Call to Worship. It’s scored for a full orchestra, grounded by a four-piece rhythm section.
REVIVE US AGAIN – I often find it interesting to take a well-known tune originally written in 3/4 and set it in 4/4. That’s what I’ve done with “Revive Us.” I gave it a pulsing 8th note bass line that pushes the music along to a somewhat moody set of chord changes, right up until the “hallelujahs.” At that point, the harmonies get a little more “Gospel.” As we move through the stanzas, we also modulate up step-by-step. The melody starts with the horns, who hand it off to the strings. In the final key, it’s the brass that take it home. After a steady build, the arrangement winds back down to where it began. It’s another chart where everybody in the orchestra gets a chance to step out a bit.

Both these charts are available here at my site, of course. But I’ll give a grateful plug to Camp Kirkland’s churchorchestramusic.com where you can also find all my independent orchestra music.