Random Neural Firings

47 (& a half) Musings from a Musical Curmudgeon 😐
Random Neural Firings is a curated collection of my blog posts from the past decade, on subjects ranging from bad Praise & Worship music, to writing dialogue for talking vegetables, to collaborating with long-dead composers, all neatly gathered together in a downloadable PDF file for only $4.
But why pay for what you can already read for free right here at the site? (I thought you’d never ask.)
- You don’t have to dig through the site archives to find all the blogs. (Trust me, it’s a pain.)
- Each blog has been edited to fix those annoying mistakes that slipped through because I was always writing in a hurry.
- I’ve added an “On Second Thought” section after many of the blogs, to follow up where the blog left off. (“It’s new and improved!”)
- At less than 10 cents a blog post, you really can’t afford NOT to buy this.
If you’re a writer or music director, if you like to laugh, or simply want to indulge your inner curmudgeon, this is for you. It’s easy, just click below!